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Join us for Austin's biggest giving day of the year, Amplify Austin Day, from 6pm March 5th to 6pm March 6th!
Children need food and proper nutrition to stay healthy, grow, and develop to break the cycle of poverty.
In the first 1,000 days of life, malnourished children may experience chronic conditions such as stunted growth, impacting their physical and cognitive development.
Even after the first 1,000 days, malnourished children are at higher risk of hospitalization, long-term health conditions, and other lifelong challenges.
We provided nearly 120,000 meals to children and families in Central Texas last year.
Texas is the state with the second highest rate of residents at risk of going hungry with over 1.3 million children across the state facing hunger. In Central Texas, nearly 40% of children are considered “Economically Disadvantaged.”
We feed 600+ children every week in Central Texas through our Feed the Kids Right Now programs.
Over the Past Two Years, We Have Supplied Over 200,000 Meals to Kids and Families in Guatemala.
Guatemala has one of the highest rates of chronic malnutrition in the world – almost 50% of children under age 5 suffer from stunted physical and cognitive development. In the communities where we work, the malnutrition rate averages 73% (nearly 3 out of 4 children).
After 12 months in our Preschool Nutrition Programs, those numbers drastically reduce to less than 5%.
Donate, volunteer, or sponsor to help kids get the food they need to live a healthy, happy, successful life.
You have the power to change the trajectory of a child’s life.
Make a difference and join our mission.
Our community development programs in Guatemala feed 600+ preschool through elementary school kids daily.
$5 provides a month's worth of vital nutrition to one child in Guatemala.
Our team delivers backpacks filled with food to 600+ students each week in Central Texas, from kindergarten to high school.
$5 feeds one child in Texas for
an entire weekend.
We are committed to feeding, nourishing, and improving the quality of life for children in Texas and Guatemala.
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